For over 30 years the VM Group has given a ‘Head Start’ to over 1,600 students at all educational levels because we believe that a truly independent society is an educated one. We consider it an honour to be able to reward our best and brightest youth Members for their progressive achievements. We specialise in making the educational goals of our student savers a reality by offering scholarships, bursaries and grants to PEP and tertiary level students.

Being a VM Foundation Scholar means that you have exhibited scholastic achievement but require financial support on your journey towards gaining a sound education. As part of its commitment to education, the VM Foundation is pleased to provide four tiers of scholarships and bursaries to VM Members who have demonstrated achievement and verifiable community involvement.
Our Scholarships & Bursaries
Primary Level
This scholarship and bursary are for students who have completed PEP in the year of application and will be starting high school. The top performing student in each county is selected for the PEP Head-Start Scholarship valued at $60,000.00 and top performing students across all parishes will be chosen for a one-time PEP Bursary valued at fifty thousand ($60,000.00) dollars. All applicants must have an active VMBS account.
Secondary Level
This scholarship is for students who will be starting tertiary education in the year of application at a local tertiary institution. The scholarship has a maximum 4-year tenure and is awarded to 3 students. Each scholarship has a ceiling of four hundred and fifty thousand ($450,000.00) dollars, which is awarded each year. All applicants must have an active VMBS account.
Tertiary Level
This scholarship is a one-time scholarship offered to a student who will be starting the final year of an undergraduate or master’s degree programme. The scholarship is valued at four hundred and fifty thousand ($450,000.00) dollars. All applicants must have an active VMBS account.
Tertiary Level
This scholarship is awarded to a student who will be starting tertiary education in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). One applicant will be awarded each year for a maximum of four (4) years, a scholarship valued at four hundred and fifty thousand ($450,000.00) dollars. All applicants must have an active VMBS account.
Tertiary Level
This scholarship is tenable in the Faculty of Built Environment (FOBE) at UTECH, Ja for an undergraduate student who will be starting their second (2nd) year of any of its 4-year programmes. The scholarship has a maximum 3-year tenure and is awarded to 1 student each academic year. Each scholarship has a ceiling of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) per year, which is awarded each year for 3 years. All applicants must have an active VM Building Society account, have attained at least a 3.0 GPA in the previous academic year, and complete an essay as part of the application process.
Tertiary Level
This bursary is available to an undergraduate student starting their final year of study at any accredited tertiary institution in Jamaica. The bursary is valued at one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000.00) and may be combined with other bursaries and scholarships earned, except for another VM scholarship or bursary. There are no restrictions on the area of study, we only ask that the recipient participate in at least one outreach project during the year of award. All applicants must have an active VM Building Society account, have attained a 75% average in the previous academic year and complete an essay.